not really what i asked for

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

If u read this post, u'll see that i didn't get exactly what i hoped for.
I wanted to play every game but i had to watch most of it due to injury.
I somehow played in the last game and we won the match which put us in 3rd place.
But what i got was enuf to cheer me up, something i really needed.
It was a miracle to have played competitive football only one week after my injury.
I get to leave UM with a bronze medal.
Thank God.

Loan approved

In short, i applied for loan to pay my fees and the extra to be used for any needs.

I wanna thank God for:
- the study loan that was approved.
-the Goh Ah Hong Trust Fund from which i got the loan (interest free)
-the organization which handled the above fund , Graduates Christian Fellowship .
-Kim Cheng, one of the dedicated staff of FES who told me bout this loan and helped me to
apply for it.

It was the best news i've heard in a long time. I was already so down that week. (due to the football injury)
It was a relief coz money issues have been one of the major problems in my family.
I was burdened by the fact that i had to work part time to pay up my fees.
Of coz i will still work but i dun have to pressure myself to work too many days and waste my
final semester in UM. This part time issue is still a prayer in progress.